
About Liz Goulding

To help you get to know me a little bit I could tell you about my degrees. I have a MS in Environmental Science from The University of North Texas, a BS in Ecology from The University of Texas, and I am an ADAPT Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

I could tell you about activities that I enjoy. Things like visiting national parks with my husband, running into people I haven’t seen in a while at my neighborhood coffee shop, and eating pork chops for breakfast.

But what I think might be most helpful is for me to talk about why I became a coach.

When I was an instructor at my local community college, I used to always end the semester by encouraging my students to be participants in their own lives. And I think ultimately that is why I became a coach. I don’t want you to wake up in 20 years and wonder how you got where you are. I want you to live a life of meaning and purpose, one that fills you with satisfaction and pride. And I believe helping you be a healthier and happier human being is the best way to equip you for that work.

My experience as a teacher taught me that information is not enough to achieve change. Many people have a vague idea of ways they could improve their health and happiness. But change is often elusive. We need to feel like the person we’ll be on the other side is worth the work. And we need to feel like the person we are today has what they need to get there.

Working with people as they figure out what health and happiness looks like for them and how they’re going to get there is the honor of a lifetime. I love helping people dig through all the haves, needs, and shoulds to find what they want for themselves. There’s nothing more satisfying as a coach than watching people discover they are more capable than they think.

If you’d like to learn more about my approach to health and wellness, you can sign up for my weekly newsletter. If you’re ready to see how we might be able to work together, you’ll find that here.