What is coaching?

It can be hard to explain coaching because it really is something that is best understood by experiencing it.

The short answer is that the client (that’s you) and the coach (that’s me) partner together to help you get things done. As a certified health and wellness coach my wheelhouse is anything related to your wellbeing.

Coaching is for when you want to climb a mountain.

What comes to mind when you think about climbing the mountains in your life? I think about the challenges that stand before you. The things you want or need to accomplish but aren’t quite sure if you can or will. Mountains come in all shapes and sizes. Some of you are in a place in life where you have big goals and dreams, and you’re pushing hard to achieve them. You’re needing to be stretched outside of your comfort zone.

For others, a mountain might be holding it together during a particularly difficult time in your life. It might be the work of showing up for yourself and getting more in tune with what you want and need.

I know a lot of people whose struggle to consistently give their wellbeing a 70-80% effort, instead of swinging wildly from 0% to 110% and back to 0%. Here are some examples of challenges that clients have been focused on lately:

  • Finding room to take care of themselves the same way they care for others

  • Managing workflow to improve satisfaction and reduce stress

  • Making changes in how they eat and move to better support their long-term health

  • Maintaining consistent energy so that personal and professional creativity flows naturally

Some mountains are chosen for us. And some mountains we choose for ourselves. The question that interests me as a coach is how equipped do you feel to climb those mountains?

It’s my job as a coach to partner with you as you climb the mountains in your life. We do that by talking on a regular basis about not only what you want to accomplish but why it’s important to you in the first place. Connecting those two things is key. We’ll look at what tools and strengths you already have and where you feel you need to grow. At the end of each session, you’ll leave with a set of action items. Sometimes these items will look like a to-do list, and sometimes it might be a new idea that you need to think on.

Each time we meet we’ll take another step towards the place you want to be. Along the way you’ll learn more about yourself. You’ll get perspective on how you work best, and you can use that to your advantage.

As a coach I am on your side unconditionally. While challenging, most clients also find much of our time together enlightening and enjoyable.

Interested in seeing what’s on the other side of the mountains in your life?